MVP + Coordinators in SwiftUI (part 3)

Public repo: For those of you who want to check out the code right away here is the repo:

Welcome back! This is the 3rd part of the series on creating an MVP+Coordinators app in SwiftUI. If you're looking for the 1st part, please go here: If you're looking for the 2nd part instead, please go here:

In part 1, we learned how to set up an entire screen with the MVP pattern, we created a base Coordinator protocol, and implemented our first 2 coordinators. We saw how to wrap our view in a NavigationView, and how to implement NavigationLink so it doesn't depend on anything else in the view.

In part 2, we learned how to extract that NavigationLink from our MasterView creating a handy new NavigationButton along the way. We saw how to set up our Coordinator so we can return SwiftUI Views from the start() function, and how to easily change presenting a view as a modal instead of in a navigation stack. And we took a look at how to present several views from the same view.

In this part, the 3rd one, we're going to reimplement our Coordinator protocol to store the identifier, parent and children of the coordinators, so we can complete the implementation of the coodinator pattern. And we'll also deal with a bit of memory management so we don't create retain cycles. Are you ready? Let's go!

This is what we completed in part 1 and part 2:

// MARK: Coordinator

protocol Coordinator {
    associatedtype U: View
    func start() -> U

extension Coordinator {
    func coordinate<T: Coordinator>(to coordinator: T) -> some View {
        return coordinator.start()

// MARK: AppCoordinator

final class AppCoordinator: Coordinator {
    private weak var window: UIWindow?
    init(window: UIWindow) {
        self.window = window
    func start() -> some View {
        let coordinator = RootMasterCoordinator(window: window)
        return coordinate(to: coordinator)

// MARK: MasterCoordinator

protocol MasterCoordinator: Coordinator {}

extension MasterCoordinator {
    func presentDetailView(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) -> some View {
        let coordinator = NavigationDetailCoordinator(isPresented: isPresented)
        return coordinate(to: coordinator)

final class RootMasterCoordinator: MasterCoordinator {
    private weak var window: UIWindow?
    init(window: UIWindow?) {
        self.window = window
    func start() -> some View {
        let view = MasterFactory.make(with: self)
        let navigation = NavigationView { view }
        let hosting = UIHostingController(rootView: navigation)
        window?.rootViewController = hosting
        return EmptyView() 

// MARK: DetailCoordinator

protocol DetailCoordinator: Coordinator {}

final class NavigationDetailCoordinator: DetailCoordinator {
    private var isPresented: Binding<Bool>
    init(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) {
        self.isPresented = isPresented
    func start() -> some View {
        return NavigationLink(destination: EmptyView(), isActive: isPresented) {

// MARK: Factory

enum MasterFactory {
    static func make<C: MasterCoordinator>(with coordinator: C) -> some View {
        let presenter = MasterPresenter(coordinator: coordinator)
        let view = MasterView(presenter: presenter)
        return view


struct MasterViewModel {
    let date: Date

protocol MasterPresenting: ObservableObject {
    associatedtype U: View                                
    var viewModel: MasterViewModel { get }
    func onButtonPressed(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) -> U

final class MasterPresenter<C: MasterCoordinator>: MasterPresenting {
    @Published private(set) var viewModel: MasterViewModel
    private let coordinator: C
    init(coordinator: C) {
        self.coordinator = coordinator
        self.viewModel = MasterViewModel(date: Date())
    func onButtonPressed(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) -> some View { 
        return coordinator.presentDetailView(isPresented: isPresented)

struct MasterView<T: MasterPresenting>: View {
    @ObservedObject var presenter: T
    var body: some View {
        NavigationButton(contentView: Text("\(, formatter: dateFormatter)"),
                         navigationView: { isPresented in
                            self.presenter.onButtonPressed(isPresented: isPresented)

struct NavigationButton<CV: View, NV: View>: View {
    @State private var isPresented = false
    var contentView: CV
    var navigationView: (Binding<Bool>) -> NV
    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
            self.isPresented = true
        }) {

1. ๐Ÿ‘พ Creating stored properties in Coordinator

In the previous parts, we created our Coordinator protocol where we set up the start() and coordinate(:) functions. Now, we're going to extend the functionality of this protocol, and we're going to start by adding a parent property to have a reference to the coordinator's parent.

How can we store this? I have to confess I used a trick, I used the Objective-C runtime to store them, creating a Mixin. Let's go to the Coordinator protocol:

protocol Coordinator: AssociatedObject { // notice AssociatedObject conformance
    associatedtype U: View
    associatedtype P: Coordinator
    func start() -> U

extension Coordinator {
    // parent must be `weak` so we don't create a retain cycle
    private(set) weak var parent: P? {
        get { associatedObject(for: &parentKey) }
        set { setAssociatedObject(newValue, for: &parentKey, policy: .weak) }
extension Coordinator {
    func coordinate<T: Coordinator>(to coordinator: T) -> some View {
        coordinator.parent = self as? T.P
        return coordinator.start()

private var parentKey: UInt8 = 0

What's a mixin? Well, my friend Luis Recuenco explains it better than me on this blog post, which I recommend you to read. In that post you can find the implementation of AssociatedObject, but here's a direct link to its implementation in my project if you want to take a look (I just copied Luis' implementation).

Long story short, mixins are a way of leveraging on composition instead of subclassing. Right now we want to create a parent property in our Coordinator protocol, but it'd be great if we don't have to define that property on every coordinator class that conforms to Coordinator. To do that, we could you use subclassing, create a base coordinator class and make all the coordinators subclasses, but I prefer to achieve polymorphic behavior and code reuse by composition instead of inheritance if I can.

Now that we have stored properties in the protocol extension, we can save the parent of every coordinator, leveraging again in the power of generics.

This last change to the Coordinator protocol impacts the coordinators' implementation, and we have to make small changes to them in order to conform to Coordinator:

final class AppCoordinator: Coordinator {
    // this is the root Coordinator so we can just point the parent to itself
    typealias P = AppCoordinator 
    func start() -> some View {
        let coordinator = RootMasterCoordinator<AppCoordinator>(window: window)
        return coordinate(to: coordinator)

protocol MasterCoordinator: Coordinator {}
extension MasterCoordinator: Coordinator {
    func presentDetailView(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) -> some View {
        let coordinator = NavigationDetailCoordinator<Self>(isPresented: isPresented)
        return coordinate(to: coordinator)

final class RootMasterCoordinator<P: Coordinator>: MasterCoordinator {

final class NavigationDetailCoordinator<P: Coordinator>: DetailCoordinator {

That's it! We set AppCoordinator parent to itself, since it won't have parent, then we set RootMasterCoordinator's parent as AppCoordinator with <AppCoordinator> on the constructor. Then on the rest of our Coordinators we can use <Self> to set the parent type, if the function is in a protocol extension, otherwise just use the parent's type directly. And we have to add <P: Coordinator> to the coordinator implementations so we define their parents on construction as well (when calling their init).

Now we have to store all the children of the coordinator, but first we have to add a way to identify each coordinator instance individually. Let's do that then! Back to our Coordinator protocol:

protocol Coordinator: AssociatedObject {

extension Coordinator {
    private(set) var identifier: UUID {
        get {
            guard let identifier: UUID = associatedObject(for: &identifierKey) else {
                self.identifier = UUID()
                return self.identifier
            return identifier
        set { setAssociatedObject(newValue, for: &identifierKey) }
    private(set) weak var parent: P? {
        get { associatedObject(for: &parentKey) }
        set { setAssociatedObject(newValue, for: &parentKey, policy: .weak) }

private var identifierKey: UInt8 = 0
private var parentKey: UInt8 = 0

Relying again on the power of the AssociatedObject protocol, aka the Objective-C runtime, we created a new stored property to lazily create the identifier on get.

Now we can add a way to store the children of the coordinator:

protocol Coordinator: AssociatedObject {

extension Coordinator {
    private(set) var identifier: UUID {
    private(set) var children: [UUID: Any] {
        get {
            guard let children: [UUID: Any] = associatedObject(for: &childrenKey) else {
                self.children = [UUID: Any]()
                return self.children
            return children
        set { setAssociatedObject(newValue, for: &childrenKey) }
    private(set) weak var parent: P? {
    private func store<T: Coordinator>(child coordinator: T) {
        children[coordinator.identifier] = coordinator
    private func free<T: Coordinator>(child coordinator: T) {
        children.removeValue(forKey: coordinator.identifier)

private var identifierKey: UInt8 = 0
private var childrenKey: UInt8 = 0
private var parentKey: UInt8 = 0

We've added the property children, and the functions store and free to manage adding and removing children.

Great! We have learned how to implement stored properies in protocol extensions creating a mixin, using the power of the Objective-C runtime. In the next section, we'll see what we have to do to manage memory correctly so we don't create retain cycles.

This is what we've done so far:

// MARK: Coordinator

protocol Coordinator: AssociatedObject {
    associatedtype U: View
    associatedtype P: Coordinator
    func start() -> U

extension Coordinator {
    private(set) var identifier: UUID {
        get {
            guard let identifier: UUID = associatedObject(for: &identifierKey) else {
                self.identifier = UUID()
                return self.identifier
            return identifier
        set { setAssociatedObject(newValue, for: &identifierKey) }
    private(set) var children: [UUID: Any] {
        get {
            guard let children: [UUID: Any] = associatedObject(for: &childrenKey) else {
                self.children = [UUID: Any]()
                return self.children
            return children
        set { setAssociatedObject(newValue, for: &childrenKey) }
    private func store<T: Coordinator>(child coordinator: T) {
        children[coordinator.identifier] = coordinator
    private func free<T: Coordinator>(child coordinator: T) {
        children.removeValue(forKey: coordinator.identifier)
    private(set) weak var parent: P? {
        get { associatedObject(for: &parentKey) }
        set { setAssociatedObject(newValue, for: &parentKey, policy: .weak) }
    func coordinate<T: Coordinator>(to coordinator: T) -> some View {
        coordinator.parent = self as? T.P
        return coordinator.start()

private var identifierKey: UInt8 = 0
private var childrenKey: UInt8 = 0
private var parentKey: UInt8 = 0

// MARK: AppCoordinator

final class AppCoordinator: Coordinator {
    typealias P = AppCoordinator 
    func start() -> some View {
        let coordinator = RootMasterCoordinator<AppCoordinator>(window: window)
        return coordinate(to: coordinator)

// MARK: MasterCoordinator

protocol MasterCoordinator: Coordinator {}

extension MasterCoordinator {
    func presentDetailView(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) -> some View {
        let coordinator = NavigationDetailCoordinator<Self>(isPresented: isPresented)
        return coordinate(to: coordinator)

final class RootMasterCoordinator<P: Coordinator>: MasterCoordinator {

// MARK: DetailCoordinator

protocol DetailCoordinator: Coordinator {}

final class NavigationDetailCoordinator<P: Coordinator>: DetailCoordinator {

// MARK: Factory




2. ๐Ÿ’พ Handling coordinator's children and memory management

Now that we have all the properties we need in our Coordinator protocol, we have to manage how to actually add and remove the children of the coordinators.

Let's go to again to our Coordinator protocol to modify the coordinate function:

extension Coordinator {
    private func store<T: Coordinator>(child coordinator: T) {
        children[coordinator.identifier] = coordinator
    func coordinate<T: Coordinator>(to coordinator: T) -> some View {
        store(child: coordinator) // hi! I'm a new line
        coordinator.parent = self as? T.P
        return coordinator.start()

We've added 1 line, a call to store to save the coordinator as a child.

Ok, but now we're retaining the coordinators we coordinatee to from here, and we are retaining the coordinators somewhere else too, in the presenters. We have to fix that!

Let's go to the presenter and make sure we don't have 2 strong references to the same object:

final class MasterPresenter<C: MasterCoordinator>: MasterPresenting {
    private(set) weak var coordinator: C?

We switched our coordinator property from private let to private(set) weak var, so we have a weak reference to the coordinator from our presenter and a strong refence to the coordinator from its parent (in children ).

Neat! We just avoided a bullet (aka retain cycle).

Now we need a way to free that memory whenever we have to release the coordinator, and we're going to implement another function usually found in the coordinator pattern, stop.

Let's go back to Coordinator:

extension Coordinator {
    private func free<T: Coordinator>(child coordinator: T) {
        children.removeValue(forKey: coordinator.identifier)
    func stop() {
        parent?.free(child: self)

With the stop function we remove all the children, and with free, we ask the parent to remove this child.

We have everything in place, now we just have to see where we're going to call this stop function. But we have a problem, SwiftUI is not like UIKit, we do not have delegate methods to know when a view was released, like UINavigationControllerDelegate.

So instead of waiting for the view to notify the coordinator it dissappeared, we're going to rely on the presenter to know when we have to release a coordinator:

final class MasterPresenter<C: MasterCoordinator>: MasterPresenting {
  	deinit {

Whenever SwiftUI decides to drop the view and it's linked presenter, we're going to tell its coordinator to also release itself.

Great! Looks good but... sadly, I have a but. There's another problem, do you think we're going to remember to call coordinator?.stop() on the deinit of every presenter we create? Exactly, me neither.

So we have 2 ways to solve this, one it's to add a rule to our linter (like SwiftLint) to alert us whenever it doesn't find the call to stop in the presenter's deinit. Another solution is to create a base presenter class and make all the presenters inherit from that one.

In my case, I choose the 2nd one:

class Presenter<C: Coordinator> {
    private(set) weak var coordinator: C?
    init(coordinator: C) {
        self.coordinator = coordinator
    deinit {

final class MasterPresenter<C: MasterCoordinator>: Presenter<C>, MasterPresenting {
    @Published private(set) var viewModel: MasterViewModel
    override init(coordinator: C) {
        self.viewModel = MasterViewModel(date: Date())
        super.init(coordinator: coordinator)
    func onButtonPressed(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) -> some View {
        return coordinator?.presentDetailView(isPresented: isPresented)

We created a new Presenter base class, from which all our presenters will inherit now. As you can see, MasterPresenter is now a subclass, and we don't have to worry about the coordinator not being released anymore.

Perfect! Now all the puzzle it's completed! We added helper functions to Coordinator to manage adding and removing children, we implemented the stop method to release the coordinator. We learned how to avoid a retain cycle. And we created a new presenter base class to deal with the coordinator lifecycle.

As I said before, I prefer composition over inheritance, but you have to choose the option that fits better your needs, in programming there no silver bullets, so be open to everything!

This is all what we've done in these 2 parts:

// You can put this in a playground and run it!

import SwiftUI

protocol Coordinator: AssociatedObject {
    associatedtype U: View
    associatedtype P: Coordinator
    func start() -> U
    func stop()

extension Coordinator {
    private(set) var identifier: UUID {
        get {
            guard let identifier: UUID = associatedObject(for: &identifierKey) else {
                self.identifier = UUID()
                return self.identifier
            return identifier
        set { setAssociatedObject(newValue, for: &identifierKey) }
    private(set) var children: [UUID: Any] {
        get {
            guard let children: [UUID: Any] = associatedObject(for: &childrenKey) else {
                self.children = [UUID: Any]()
                return self.children
            return children
        set { setAssociatedObject(newValue, for: &childrenKey) }
    private func store<T: Coordinator>(child coordinator: T) {
        children[coordinator.identifier] = coordinator
    private func free<T: Coordinator>(child coordinator: T) {
        children.removeValue(forKey: coordinator.identifier)
    private(set) weak var parent: P? {
        get { associatedObject(for: &parentKey) }
        set { setAssociatedObject(newValue, for: &parentKey, policy: .weak) }
    func coordinate<T: Coordinator>(to coordinator: T) -> some View {
        store(child: coordinator)
        coordinator.parent = self as? T.P
        return coordinator.start()
    func stop() {
        parent?.free(child: self)

private var identifierKey: UInt8 = 0
private var childrenKey: UInt8 = 0
private var parentKey: UInt8 = 0

// MARK: AppCoordinator

final class AppCoordinator: Coordinator {
    typealias P = AppCoordinator
    private weak var window: UIWindow?
    init(window: UIWindow) {
        self.window = window
    func start() -> some View {
        let coordinator = RootMasterCoordinator<AppCoordinator>(window: window)
        return coordinate(to: coordinator)

// MARK: MasterCoordinator

protocol MasterCoordinator: Coordinator {}

extension MasterCoordinator {
    func presentDetailView(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) -> some View {
        let coordinator = NavigationDetailCoordinator<Self>(isPresented: isPresented)
        return coordinate(to: coordinator)

final class RootMasterCoordinator<P: Coordinator>: MasterCoordinator {
    private weak var window: UIWindow?
    init(window: UIWindow?) {
        self.window = window
    func start() -> some View {
        let view = MasterFactory.make(with: self)
        let navigation = NavigationView { view }
        let hosting = UIHostingController(rootView: navigation)
        window?.rootViewController = hosting
        return EmptyView()

// MARK: DetailCoordinator

protocol DetailCoordinator: Coordinator {}

final class NavigationDetailCoordinator<P: Coordinator>: DetailCoordinator {
    private var isPresented: Binding<Bool>
    init(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) {
        self.isPresented = isPresented
    func start() -> some View {
        return NavigationLink(destination: EmptyView(), isActive: isPresented) {

// MARK: Factory

enum MasterFactory {
    static func make<C: MasterCoordinator>(with coordinator: C) -> some View {
        let presenter = MasterPresenter(coordinator: coordinator)
        let view = MasterView(presenter: presenter)
        return view

// MARK: Presenter

class Presenter<C: Coordinator> {
    private(set) weak var coordinator: C?
    init(coordinator: C) {
        self.coordinator = coordinator
    deinit {


struct MasterViewModel {
    let date: Date

protocol MasterPresenting: ObservableObject {
    associatedtype U: View
    var viewModel: MasterViewModel { get }
    func onButtonPressed(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) -> U

final class MasterPresenter<C: MasterCoordinator>: Presenter<C>, MasterPresenting {
    @Published private(set) var viewModel: MasterViewModel
    override init(coordinator: C) {
        self.viewModel = MasterViewModel(date: Date())
        super.init(coordinator: coordinator)
    func onButtonPressed(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) -> some View {
        return coordinator?.presentDetailView(isPresented: isPresented)

struct MasterView<T: MasterPresenting>: View {
    @ObservedObject var presenter: T
    var body: some View {
        NavigationButton(contentView: Text("\(, formatter: dateFormatter)"),
                         navigationView: { isPresented in
                            self.presenter.onButtonPressed(isPresented: isPresented)

// MARK: Helpers

struct NavigationButton<CV: View, NV: View>: View {
    @State private var isPresented = false
    var contentView: CV
    var navigationView: (Binding<Bool>) -> NV
    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
            self.isPresented = true
        }) {

let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateStyle = .medium
    dateFormatter.timeStyle = .medium
    return dateFormatter

protocol AssociatedObject: class {
    func associatedObject<T>(for key: UnsafeRawPointer) -> T?
    func setAssociatedObject<T>(
        _ object: T,
        for key: UnsafeRawPointer,
        policy: AssociationPolicy
extension AssociatedObject {
    func associatedObject<T>(for key: UnsafeRawPointer) -> T? {
        return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, key) as? T
    func setAssociatedObject<T>(
        _ object: T,
        for key: UnsafeRawPointer,
        policy: AssociationPolicy = .strong
    ) {
        return objc_setAssociatedObject(
enum AssociationPolicy {
    case strong
    case copy
    case weak
    var objcPolicy: objc_AssociationPolicy {
        switch self {
            case .strong:
            case .copy:
            case .weak:
                return .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN

๐Ÿ Conclusion

We have learned how to implement stored properies in protocol extensions creating a mixin, using the power of the Objective-C runtime. We added helper functions to Coordinator to manage adding and removing children, we implemented the stop method to release the coordinator. We learned how to avoid a retain cycle. And we created a new presenter base class to deal with the coordinator lifecycle.

That's it! We've completed part 3 of this series. Now I invite you to take a look at whole project I created, where the final implementation is, with more classes and examples, and both ways of navigating, navigation stack and modals. There you can also take a look at AssociatedObject.swift and see how we can create stored properties under the hood.

We've finished our experimental MVP+Coordinators SwiftUI project, but there're still a few considerations I wonder about:

  • I didn't implement a way to navigate back from a coordinator, but there should be one. How should it work then?
  • A great challenge is the deeplinking, how would it work in this implementation?
  • What about animations? Right now, it's not possible to modify the animation/transition of NavigationLink nor .sheet. Hopefully, Apple will make that possible in the next SwiftUI version.
  • Is this a good approach? Or the declarative nature of SwiftUI pushes us to use other design patterns/architectures, like redux?

All of them good candidates for an upcoming post ๐Ÿ˜. I'll try to explore them but I can't promise anything, I dedicated a lot of time to these 3 blog posts and I can tell you writing is A LOT of work. So if you really like a writer/blogger, tell them! I'm sure they'll appreciate it immensely.

Last but not least, I'd like to give a big thank you to my friends Marin Todorov and Benedikt Terhechte for giving me early feedback about these blog posts ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ, you're the best! ๐Ÿค—

I hope you liked these part 1, part 2 and part 3 posts covering my experience trying to decouple the navigation in SwftUI.

Thank you for reading. Let me know what you think and share it with your friends!
